6.10.2017 – Český rozhlas / Brněnské centrum přitahuje lidi, hlavní ulice mimo centrum ale mají řadu problémů, říká urbanista
discussion panels
The topic of transport in Brno is in the spotlight. Local drivers, cyclists as well as pedestrians complain about the quality of Brno’s infrastructure. However, this is not a Czech speciality. Many West European cities have had problems with transport as well. For instance, Danish cities Copenhagen and Aarhus, Austrian Vienna or German Leipzig all faced a difficult mobility situation in the past.
Brno has a great city centre. A wide range of services, pulsing gastronomic and cultural scene, as well as high quality public spaces attract an increasing number of people into the historical city core. Unfortunately, this is not true of the other town districts. They often lack pleasant public spaces, cultural institutions or facilities for social activities. Peripheral parts are simply not “lively”.
These events will take place
A travelling exhibition Good Cities, managed by the platform Good Cities (www.en.dobramesta.cz) in cooperation with the Embassy of Denmark in the Czech Republic. The exhibition consists of two parts: exterior Copenhagen Solutions, curated by the City of Copenhagen, and interior Good Cities, curated by the platform Bicycle Innovation Lab. The exhibitions should boost public discussion about the quality of life in Czech cities, especially when it comes to mobility solutions.
The topic of jeopardised urban public space and its possible renewal is nowadays a staple of urbanistic discussions in many countries. Also in the Czech Republic, there exist many interesting projects bringing public space back as a key issue of urban planning. The burning questions span from how to find appropriate form and use of public spaces to how to strengthen the social role and aesthetic quality by architectural means. The exhibition will introduce the best implementations of public spaces in the Czech Republic in the last 25 years. Meanwhile, it aims to discuss fundamental problems faced by public spaces today, e. g. privatisation, commercialization, neglected areas, or a persisting preference for the needs of individual car owners.
General partner
Partner hotel
Partner studio
With financial support
With support
Main media partner
Media partners
Brno Gallery of Architecture
Starobrněnská 18, 602 00 Brno
+420 542 211 701
26th and 27th September 2017
University Cinema Scala, Moravské square 3, Brno
Starobrněnská 18, 602 00 Brno
+420 542 211 701